(021) 007-3167 | info@VSSAdmin.co.za
is a technology driven company that specialises in vehicle security accreditation.
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specialises in data verification, storage and administration of the VSS list.
is our primary focus insuring that the products used by policyholders are of a high standard and insures their safety.
The Vehicle Security System Database (VSS List) is a comprehensive repository of information on vehicle security systems. Established in 2006, it was created through the collaboration of various industry bodies, insurers, manufacturers, and other key stakeholders. The primary goal of the VSS List is to enhance vehicle security standards and reduce vehicle-related crimes by providing a centralized source of information on the latest security technologies and practices.
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Telematic Products (Tracking and Recovery) have evolved over the years. With more than 250 tracking companies in South Africa and access to international products the need to test and evaluate the performance of these products/companies is crucial.
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You can download a registration form by clicking here.